so i wake up this morning and already have a slew of emails and subsequent issues to deal with and its only 6am. i went to bed at midnight, so how can these people do all this in six hours? anyhow i get going and am stressed but a large latte would only make me hyper and stressed and possibly excite my heart to the point of death, instead i opt to stress-eat and want a bagel, like STAT (my new friend is a nurse).
i think and think and think and cannot think of anyplace where i can pop in to get a bagel let alone a bagel cart! instead i got one of those "kettle cooked" donuts from starbucks which taste a lot like they were cooked in the same "kettle" as potato chips. awful.
so a brief list of things i deeply miss about nyc:
(5) cabs and car service: i hate driving. dont get me wrong, i LOVE my car, i just hate driving it because since i've been in LA my car tells me my avg speed is 13.2mph. moreover, i cant drink and drive. well i could technically i suppose, but i dont want to. too many stupid pedestrians. in nyc at least you could start off with two dirty martinis after work and end up on a bar crawl, lose everything and wake up with an empty pizza box, a hangover, no wallet and taxi receipt or car service call-in card!
(4) restaurants: sure there are great restaurants in LA too but i cant hop across the street to a le pain quotidient sunday mornings or get delivery from the good sushi restaurant 40 blocks away as long as i tip well. here? you have to drive there and THEN valet.
(3) soho: i just miss living there, the small gourmet garage, the character, the walkability and convenient lack of pizza availability after 11pm which makes you fat.
(2) food carts: ok i should specifically say bagel carts and nuts-4-nuts. although i will say i never appreciated the nuts-4-nuts carts on wall st across from my building (pictured) were more expensive than the carts in times square! damn gypsies. also, so many times i just want an orange or banana but cant walk to the street and hand over $0.50 (american) to get it. here i have to drive to the nearest starbucks and actually buy some of their food because its the closest quick food option and even that takes a good 30mins to drive but then make all sorts of turns due to turn restrictions and closed roads because of the fucking emmy's this weekend screwing up traffic at my office.
(1) public transport: notwithstanding (5) above the subways and (grudgingly) bus are amazing in terms of usefulness--except when you are trapped in one due to a blackout. i mean you can get from canal st to times square in 15mins and by the time to disembark you have new batteries for your remote, two dvds of movies you dont have to pay $13 (american) to see in the theater and possibly a bit more urine on your shoe than when you went into the subway.
ah, new york. PLUS there is no eatery here.