so sunday i worked from 630am-745pm, with a few breaks, BUT STILL. at least the a/c in my bowl office is working again, since it has been so hot and HUMID. there isnt supposed to be humidity in LA, or so says BEM. i think he's full of it. anyhow, yes working was a delight and all that and when i locked up my office/bungalow nothing unusual was apparent.
cut to this morning and an infestation of ANTS. the main door threshold is COVERED with ants. the baseboard near the watercooler? ANTS. so i cant even fill up my nalgene without hearing the crunch of hundreds of ants beneath my brand new and spotless prada soles (btw, first pair of prada shoes ever and these are the only dress shoes i've worn that feel already broken in! those crafty italians). luckily, i work upstairs and there do not seem to be any ants yet.
what makes the ants disturbing though is the guy who sits downstairs. so when you walk in, it is like a living room (this was a house originally) and this guy who will be known as marty sits there. marty is great and like 100 years old. still though, among the bizarre things he does would include him feeding/putting food out for the FERAL CATS in the park. wtf? every morning i walk in, there is some FERAL CAT charging at me because the cat is scared to death of me, AS IT SHOULD BE, but marty FEEDS THE CATS, so they clearly like him. anyhow, he loves animals and all that BS, so he WASNT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT THE ANTS. finally after two hours i was like "did you call an exterminator??"
"well, i'll give them a day to see if they disappear"
"A DAY? what if they come upstairs?!?!"
"well i called operations, so the bug guy cant come until tomorrow"
"but you called, right? THEY WILL BE GONE RIGHT?"
"oh sure, i just dont want to unnecessarily kill animals"
"these arent animals."
cut to 20 minutes ago as i walk down the hallway to the bathroom and a LIZARD is running on the floor away from me.
like i said, well this is all just great.
Imagine MY horror when I went outside today, and it was humid again!
Luckily, it seems to have run its course, unlike the microscopic episode of Planet Earth that is your office. Soon Sigourney Weaver will be narrating your travails.
Who is this BEM? He sounds like a douche.
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